Photo Credit: Augie’s Mussel House and Beer Garden
Participation is limited and must be approved by the Festival.
- Cherry Picks website feature.
- Feature and mention on Festival social media.
- Feature in Spotlight Restaurant dedicated e-blast.
- Listing in the Cherry Picks article; select menu item photos will be featured.
- Inclusion in 2025 Festival press kit and Festival media outreach.
Restaurant Commitments:
- Provide in-kind lunch or dinner for NCBF Staff during the Festival.
- Optional ten (10) $50 gift cards for Festival use by March 4, 2025.
- Create a customized spring-themed menu. Must include:
- Beverage (alcoholic or non-alcoholic)
- Appetizer
- Entrée
- Dessert
- Menu description.
- Opportunity to serve samples at Pink Tie Party on March 14, 2025.
- Photos of all springtime menu items by March 7, 2025 (hi-res; 300 dpi)
- Display the official NCBF Cherry Picks Decal that will be provided by NCBF.
*IMPORTANT: All gift cards should be dated one (1) year or more from the date of issuance; no purchasing restrictions. Email gifts cards to or mail to: National Cherry Blossom Festival, 1275 K Street, NW, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20005 (ATTN: Cherry Picks)
- Neighborhood Guide Listing on website.
- Select restaurants with high-quality photos featured with links back to the Cherry Picks website.
- Select restaurants with high-quality photos are featured in themed e-blasts:
- Blossom Bites: March 30 – April 5
- Appetizers and main courses
- Cheers to Spring: March 23 – 29
- Festive libations, cocktails, mocktails
- Petals & Pastries: April 6 – 13
- Festive delicacies
- Blossom Bites: March 30 – April 5
- Link to Cherry Picks website with listing.
Restaurant Commitments:
- Four (4) $50 gift cards for Festival use by March 4, 2025.
- At least one spring-themed menu item. May include:
- Beverage (alcoholic or non-alcoholic)
- Appetizer
- Entrée
- Dessert
- Menu description
- Photo of custom springtime menu item by March 7, 2025 (hi-res; 300 dpi)
*IMPORTANT: All gift cards should be dated one (1) year or more from the date of issuance; no purchasing restrictions. Email gifts cards to or mail to: National Cherry Blossom Festival, 1275 K Street, NW, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20005 (ATTN: Cherry Picks)
Cherry Picks Participant Details
The National Cherry Blossom Festival, in conjunction with the Restaurant Association of Metropolitan Washington, is proud to showcase the Washington, DC, area’s vibrant restaurant scene during the 2025 Festival, from March 20 – April 13. Restaurants that enroll in the program offer custom spring-themed menu items that are featured on Festival channels, encouraging Washington, DC area residents and visitors to experience flavors of this iconic DC season with friends and family. Returning this year is the #eatfirst partnership with Flave! Flave rewards users for sharing food photos and helps them discover new in-person dining through a feed of posts from the foodie community. Through gamification and organic user-generated content, Flave brings customers through the door of Cherry Picks restaurants.
The 2025 Cherry Picks Registration is NOW OPEN!
The House of Suntory Cherry Blossom Cocktail Competition
Sponsored By House of Suntory-Toki Whisky, Roku Gin, Haku Vodka & Legent in partnership with the National Cherry Blossom Festival
The House of Suntory and the National Cherry Blossom Festival are collaborating to crown the best mixologist in the Washington, DC, Metropolitan area. This competition will welcome the essence of Japanese culture and feature the hand-crafted House of Suntory products with a cherry blossom twist.
Round 1: Requirements for Entry
Submissions are due Sunday, February 26, 2023
*Up to 5 bartenders will move to Round 2
- Must currently work at a bar/restaurant in the Washington, DC Metropolitan area
- Bar/restaurant must be a Cherry Pick participant – Sign Up Here
- Cocktail name
- Cocktail image
- List of ingredients, garnish, & glassware
- Must use at least one of the House of Suntory products – Toki Whisky, Roku Gin, Haku Vodka & Legent
- Preparation & mixing instructions
- Inspiration of the drink and how it relates to the National Cherry Blossom Festival 2023 Theme – “Spring It On!”
Submissions: Contestants must email submissions to Kelly Paul,, AND TaKeyia Dickens,
Round 2 Requirements
- Contestants must be able to showcase, batch, and serve their cocktail for 800+ guests attending the National Cherry Blossom Festival Pink Tie Party on March 16, 2023 (NCBF will provide sampling cups).
- Contestants must be able to present their cocktail to judges at the Pink Tie Party event.
- Contestants must be able to showcase the making of the cocktail and present the cocktail to the Pick Tie Party judges.
- Contestants must provide all cocktail ingredients and glassware for four (4) judges during the event.
Judging Criteria
- Creativity & Originality of Drink
- Presentation/Appearance
- Unique/Intelligent use of the required use of the House of Suntory product
- Balance of Taste, Smell, and Character
- Name Originality, Relevance, and Appeal
Winner: The Official 2023 National Cherry Blossom Cocktail featuring House of Suntory
- The winner will be named at the National Cherry Blossom Festival Pink Tie Party.
- The winner must be available for any media/press during the Festival.
- The winner will display their cocktail at Focus Social Club on March 31, 2023.
Guidelines to Enter
- All persons entering must live in the U.S. and be of legal drinking age.
- All persons and restaurants must have an Instagram account.
- At least one of the House of Suntory (Toki Whisky, Roku Gin, Haku Vodka & Legent) products listed must be used in the cocktail.
- All persons must currently work at a bar/restaurant in the Washington, DC, Metropolitan area.
- All persons must work at a bar/restaurant that is a part of the Cherry Picks program – Sign Up Here if needed.
- All persons must sign an agreement and have their restaurant or bar submit a certificate of insurance.
- Cocktails must contain standard ingredients. Homemade ingredients must be easily replicable, but the cocktail cannot have more than eight (8) components. Examples of homemade ingredients are shrubs, syrups, and infusions. Recipe for Homemade ingredients required.
- Garnishes that impact flavor are considered an ingredient. Garnish is recommended but not required.
- The Official 2023 National Cherry Blossom Cocktail recipe must have a name. The name may not include any copyrighted or trademarked material or any retailer’s name. The cocktail name must not contain any profanity or derogatory language.
- Ingredients must be expressed in fluid ounces (.5 oz., 1 oz., 2 oz., etc.), with dashes and drops being the smallest quantities. Preparation and mixing instructions must be included with your recipe and type of glassware.
- Photo of finished cocktail (for style reference and can be done on a smartphone)
- Headshot of entrant – please include a photo of yourself that we can post on social media, website, articles, or press releases.
- Entries must not allude to the overconsumption or irresponsible consumption of alcohol nor represent our brand in an inappropriate manner. If considered illegal, profane, or obscene, in our sole discretion, entry will be disqualified.
- All entries requirements must be adhered to, or the entry will be considered null and void
- Shooters are fun but not permitted.
Sponsored by
For more information, contact Kelly Paul, AND TaKeyia Dickens,
The Restaurant Association Metropolitan Washington (RAMW) is the regional trade association representing restaurants and the food service industry in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area. Established in 1920, RAMW is an advocate, resource and community for its members. Visit for more information.
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DoorDash is a technology company that connects consumers with their favorite local businesses in 27 countries across the globe. Founded in 2013, DoorDash is building products and services to further local commerce, enabling merchants to thrive in the convenience economy, giving consumers access to more of their communities, and providing work that empowers. With DoorDash, there is a neighborhood of good in every order. Whether it’s reaching new customers, increasing orders, we’re delivering more ways to help merchants grow.
The National Cherry Blossom Festival, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting the beauty of nature and international friendship through year-round programs, events, and educational initiatives that enhance our environment, showcase arts and culture, and build community spirit.