Tidal basin welcome area and ANA stage


Thank you for your interest in performing at the National Cherry Blossom Festival’s Tidal Basin Welcome Area and ANA Stage. Please read the following guidelines and find the application linked below.


The purpose of the cultural performances on the Tidal Basin Welcome Area and ANA Stage during the National Cherry Blossom Festival is to celebrate the friendship symbolized by the gift of flowering cherry trees from Tokyo to Washington, DC, and to demonstrate cross-cultural exchange through a dynamic mix of American, Japanese, and other cultural performing arts.


Tidal Basin – On West Basin Drive between the MLK and FDR memorials.


The performance will be featured on the stage from 12 PM – 6 PM during Peak Bloom, rain or shine

(late March or early April – exact dates TBA)

*All dates and hours are subject to change.

Performance Appropriateness

The Festival is subject to strict National Park Service regulations and guidelines regarding the type of performance, instruments, and volume levels permissible on park property. Merchandise of any kind, including CDs, may not be sold. No flyers, stickers, etc., may be handed out. Cultural, non-commercial performances are encouraged. Encouraged performances are those that:

  • incorporate live music
  • offer a cultural or traditional performance
  • are enhanced by cultural or traditional costuming
  • present a performance offering that is upbeat and enjoyed by many demographics to solicit crowd interaction


Performances are on a voluntary basis; no compensation is available. Monetary tips cannot be received.

Load-In and Load-Out

Set-up will take place immediately prior to the performance, and load-out immediately following. Load-in/out assistance will be provided with volunteer assistance. Vehicles are not permitted in the stage area – the Loading Zone is approximately 300 yards from the stage; all gear will have to be transported by hand and/or handcarts.


Parking is extremely limited. A parking pass (one vehicle per performer/group) may be available. The Festival cannot guarantee parking for any artist.


Each performance group must bring its own instruments, props, etc. A sound system with technician will be provided.  


A drum kit, bass amp, guitar amp, keyboard stand and bench will be provided.


Banners or signs must be self-standing and be displayed for the duration of the performance only. All banners and signs are subject to approval.


Special equipment and labor needs must be indicated on the application. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate these needs. If your group requires special mats or ground covering (for dance/martial arts, etc.) you must provide them.


The Festival will take measures to publicize your performance, including but not limited to, on the Festival Website (www.nationalcherryblossomfestival.org), the Official Festival Guide, and day-of signage.

Rain or Shine

Tidal Basin Welcome Area and ANA stage performances will take place rain or shine. This is a covered outdoor stage. In the event of inclement weather, performances may be stopped for safety reasons at the discretion of the stage manager, sound technician, electrician, or the National Park Service. Performances will begin again according to the performance schedule; schedules may be adjusted to accommodate all performers.

If you have any questions, please contact the Tidal Basin Production Manager.


Artists are encouraged to perform family-friendly dances, demonstrations, or music that are upbeat, festive, and reflective of the celebratory nature of the festival. Performances/demonstrations should be no less than 30 minutes in length and no longer than 60 minutes. Performance time allotted to each group will depend on schedule/stage availability, diversity of programming, and appropriateness of act.


Are you interested in performing on the Tidal Basin Stage during the National Cherry Blossom Festival? Please complete the 2025 Performers Application Form by clicking the button below.