Japan Information and Culture Center

Exploring Hiroshige and His Influence on Social Media

The JICC spring exhibition looks at the life and work of the seminal ukiyo-e artist, Uta-gawa Hiroshige. Known for capturing Japan’s breathtaking landscapes as they change throughout the seasons, Hiroshige frequently incorporated popular seasonal motifs, like cherry blossoms for spring or rain for summer. In this exhibition, the JICC, in collaboration with American University, wants to showcase the works of Hiroshige and then celebrate Hiroshige’s legacy on social media by presenting recent photo-graphic interpretations of Hiroshige’s ukiyo-e, submitted to us through our call for entry! It is our hope that our audience will leave our exhibit with a new sense of appreciation for Hiroshige and the obvious influence he still has in the contemporary art world.


What began with a gift in 1912 at the Tidal Basin is now a four-week extravaganza spanning Washington, DC, and neighboring communities in Maryland and Virginia. Click the filters on our interactive map to see all that the Festival has to offer and craft a tailored experience as you Rediscover Spring. From exciting events to convenient hotels, delectable Cherry Picks restaurants to vibrant Art in Bloom installations, and a jaw-dropping City in Bloom to joyful Petal Porches, see the Washington, DC area as you can only see it once a year!